Human Resources
College Unit Approval Forms
Professional growth is a meaningful engagement in studying, training, and related activities with the purpose of maintaining and increasing the high standards of the certificated and classified employees of the Wasco Union High School District. College unit approval forms available for both the Certificated and Classified Employees, please see the forms listed below.
Workers' Compensation
California law guarantees certain benefits to employees who are injured or become ill because of their jobs. Workers' compensation covers any job-related injury or illness, including first-aid type injury or a physical or psychiatric injury from a workplace crime. It can be caused by one event, such as a fall, or repeated exposures, such as doing a repetitive motion over time. The key is whether it was caused by the job. (Some injuries from voluntary, off-duty, recreational, social or athletic activity - for example, the company bowling team - may not be covered.)
Employee Changes - Help us stay updated!
Absence Management
Absences should be submitted within 3 days from your start date of absence.
Please use the link below to Logon.
If you have any questions in regards to how to submit your absence, see the PDF file attached below.