CAASPP Testing (SBAC and CAST)
CAASPP is the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
CAASPP replaced the STAR testing system in 2013
- Overview of CAASPP Testing -
CAST is the California Science Test
2023 SBAC Grade 11 Test Results
- 61.26% of 11th Grade Students Met or Exceeded the Standards in English Language Arts
- 15.97% of 11th Grade Students Met or Exceeded the Standards in Mathematics
Grade 11 - Score Report Guides (for Parents, Counselors, and Teachers)
Grade 11 - Teacher Guides
2023 CAST Grade 11-12 Test Results
- 15.8% of 11th and 12th grade students Met or Exceeded the Standards for Science
Currently, there are NO STATE ASSESSMENTS for students in Grade 9, Grade 10, or Grade 12.